HP-18 Center Stick Project

Udate 12 September 2000:

After a correction to the pitch pivot axis, the jigs for the first article 18-701 platform assembly are off to the TIG welding guy for assembly. If he's done by Thursday, I might be able to validate it with the test pod the weekend of 16/17 September. I'll try to get some photos of that.

After that's done, I'll start jigging out the pitch carriage assembly (18-702), and then work on the actual control stick (18-703).

Also, I've put together preliminary parts lists based on the current design. These are .txt files:

Center stick main parts list

18-701 Platform weldment parts list

18-702 Pitch carriage weldment parts list

18-703 Control stick weldment parts list

18-704/18-705 Roll bellcrank assemblies parts list

I've even done one of the assembly drawings:

18-704/18-705 roll bellcranks

page updated 04/02/01 all text and graphics copyright (c) 2001 HP Aircraft, LLC