Glidair Project

Update 11 June 2007: Under control, under way

Brad just sent me another batch of photos of progress on the Glidair. Most of it is internals and control system parts. But the real gem is the first-article canopy transparency, just back from the transparency shop.

Four views of the aforementioned transparency, complete with factory-installed sliding window. Here it is shown resting on a canopy frame that is in turn resting in the lower part of the canopy frame mold.

Two new photos of the upper portion of the vertical stabilizer, with elevator push-pull control tube.

Three photos of the elevator bellcrank at the root of the vertical fin.

This photo shows the fuselage shells rudder cable tunnels installed and also the elevator control circuit in the right shell.

Here's where the elevator PP tube comes through the seat back bulkhead.

The left side shell with stiffeners and rudder cable tunnel.

Cockpit area with static and TE and antenna coax lines.

Homebuilt aviation is not for folks who don't try stuff at home.

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page updated 11 June 2007 all text and graphics copyright (c) 2007 HP Aircraft, LLC