Glidair Project

Update 30 August 2006: Rollover, Beethoven!

Brad Hill has gotten the right-side Glidair fuselage mold rolled over, and now it is supported on his shop floor on its own feet. Brad has also laid up the mold features that form the joggles where the right and left fuselage halves bond together.

The next step for the Glidair fuselage will probably be to convene Akaflieg Monroe II to lay up the left side fuselage mold.

Brad also bought himself a MIG welder much like the one we brought up for Akaflieg Monroe I, and has been putting it to good use making himself a rack for his rolls of fiberglass and carbon fiber cloth.

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page updated 30 August 2006 all text and graphics copyright (c) 2006 HP Aircraft, LLC