HP-24 Project

Update 10 April 2008: Pictures at an exhibition

The welder finished my forward roll bellcranks. Brad is working on internals and such, and has made a first-article pneumatic tailwheel installation:

The first five bellcranks.

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With the ball bearings, internal spacer, and end bushings installed. This is the one I'm sending to Brad for him to tool the support for the lower bearing.

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The pneumatic tailwheel assembly, composed of the internal fender and the external fairing. The external fairing part will get drilled for the axle after assembly with the glider.

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With the Monster Scooter Parts cheapie 200x50 wheel and tire assembly.

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Bulkhead #3 and a forward floor support interstitial.

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Locating the tailwheel cutout on the fuselage.

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Measure twice, cut once.

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Trial fitting. Looks nice.

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Homebuilt aviation is not for folks who don't try things at home.

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page updated 10 April 2008 all text and graphics copyright (c) 2008 HP Aircraft, LLC