Last weekend I finished welding up the outboard spider for the right wing. Saturday afternoon it was so hot in the area that we decided to just head up to Lake Alpine and camp for the night. We went up there, got a camping site, and then dropped into Box Canyon to do some climbing. I set clips on Sweet Sophie, and Alia led it to the third clip or so before backing off. That was her first outdoor lead. Her first lead ever, actually.
Next weekend I should get the inboard all welded, and maybe get the adjusters dialed in. I'll also be working on the plug for the jettison hood, and make some wooden mockups of the jettison release parts.
Brad has developed the wing deck for his glider and is working on the upper portion of bulkhead 6 and also the canopy latches.
In order to make the spar support tube of the outboard spider fit the profile, I had to twist the tube through about 2 degrees. The last time I did that, I got a lot of distortion and tool marks on the tube. This time I welded up this pair of spanners in order to do the twisting operation with.
Alia nears the second clip on Sweet Sophie.
Back at the shop, the right outboard spider all welded together.
Brad prepares the upper portion of bulkhead 6.
Brad's canopy latches.
Brad installs the end fittings for the elevator push-pull tubes. This joint here is just forward of bulkhead 6.
Brad's finished carbon fiber instrument pod and instrument panel. Very nice!
Homebuilt aviation is not for folks who don't try things at home.
page updated 19 June 2008 all text and graphics copyright (c) 2008 HP Aircraft,