HP-24 Project

Update 20 September 2006: Winglets

Here's the latest photos from Brad Hill, who's been working on the tooling for the winglets:

Last weekend I was supposed to go to Yosemite and do the Royal Arches route, but my climbing partners flaked. So, we still went to Yosemite, and I still did some climbing, but instead of a tall easy route I hooked up with rock climbing guru Karl Baba and did some medium-sized moderate routes. We started off with Central Pillar of Frenzy (5 pitches of 5.9, with a little bit of everything from thin finger cracks to chimney moves. After that we did some toproped laps on stuff over at Pat and Jack pinnacle, topped off with a grueling attempt at Polymastia.

This coming weekend is Air Sailing, to get the kids some rides in Doug Gray's ASK-21. Then its back to work on the radius machine, and then plug making for the control surfaces, starting small with the elevators.

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page updated 20 September 2006 all text and graphics copyright (c) 2006 HP Aircraft, LLC