HP-24 Project

Update 23 August 2002:

Here are some more photographs from the composites shop where the HP-24 forward fuselage molds are going together:

The picture below shows the cockpit rail detail under construction. This feature is a joggle that helps to index and seal the canopy frame to the fuselage. The canopy frame itself will have a groove for a sealing strip of foam tape or rubber tubing.

The picture below shows an over-the-shoulder view of the rail detail. The platform at the forward end of the cockpit opening is where we will mold in features for the ventialtion opening.

The picture below shows a right-side view of the rail detail under construction. You can see that the detail mold is in three pieces. The right and left attach to the fuselage molds, and the center aft (absent in this photo) will be permanently attached to the wing cover mold.

The picture below shows the center aft cockpit rail detail in place on the wing cover mold.

The picture below shows the mold for the long C-section of the 15-meter spar completed but not yet separated from the plug.

The picture below shows the stout steel frame that will support the wing spar mold to maintain perfect alignment.

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page updated 23 August 2002 all text and graphics copyright (c) 2002 HP Aircraft, LLC