HP-24 Project

Update 9 March 2004: Good and good

The caveat to yesterday's update is that it's not over til it's over. When you close up a big vacuum-bagged layup and then drive away, it's not necessarily guaranteed that you're going to get what you expect when you return.

In specific, the short list of things I've learned to worry about is A-T-P:

Anyhow, last night I went up to the shop and checked, and the last layup had cured just fine. It looks like I'm good to go to join the inboards and outboards together, and start sanding and grinding them down to smoothness. I've got some big pieces of glider tooling now!

Also, last night I got a call from Doug Gray to let me know that he'd delivered the aft fuselage plug to Precomtec R+D. So as soon as they finish the canopy frame, I can place a contract for the 70" of missing fuselage surface and for the whole-fuselage molds.

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page updated 9 March 2004 all text and graphics copyright (c) 2004 HP Aircraft, LLC