HP Aircraft Plans

Bob Kuykendall, 6 April 2000

HP Aircraft offers the following plans sets for HP/RS-series aircraft:

HP-18 or RS-15


These plans sets are the same as included with the HP-18 and RS-15 kits originally manufactured by Bryan Aircraft. They are detailed enough to let to build the aircraft from the original kit. However, there is not enough detail in these plans to let you build the entire aircraft from scratch. For more information, see my article "Can I build an HP from Scratch?"

HP-11 or HP-14


These plans sets are about as detailed as they possibly could be, with about 450 square feet of drawing area. Almost every weldment and fabicated part is covered in detail. The only major parts absent are the formed fuselage tub skins, and the individual wing ribs.

page updated 6 April 2000 all text and graphics copyright (c) 2000 HP Aircraft, LLC