This page contains links to assorted drawings I've done for HP-series parts. These parts are typically things that would be included in the kit, but are not covered in the plans with detail sufficient for local manufacture. All of these drawings were done in response to specific requests from HP owners who needed information for repairs or modifications. We have many of these parts already in stock. In most cases, HP Aircraft has the original factory tooling for these parts, and can manufacture them on request for spares or replacement parts.
18-578 Landing Gear Upper Frame Components
18-578 Landing Gear Upper Frame Assembly
18-583 Landing Gear Retraction Crank
18-580 Landing Gear Axle Retaining Rod
18-584 Landing Gear Bearing Spacer
18-585 Landing Gear Spring Bellcrank
18-587-1 Landing Gear Axle Retaining Plug
18-441 Ruddervator mixer driven link
18-441-1 Ruddervator mixer pitch drive link
18-441-2 Ruddervator mixer yaw drive link
18-441-3 Ruddervator mixer pitch input upper arm
18-441-4 Ruddervator mixer pitch input lower arm
18-441-5 Ruddervator mixer attachment bracket
15-143 In-wing aileron bellcrank
15-183 Aileron P-P tube connection boss
15-184 Aileron P-P tube splice plug
HP-18 Aileron P-P tube ass'y detail
11-302 Stabilizer main spar outline and bend line template
11-302 Stabilizer main spar bending diagrams
11-312 Stabilizer forward spar outline and bend line template
HP-11 Aileron drive bellcrank (on aft wing carrythrough)
page updated 16 June 2004 all text and graphics copyright (c) 2004 HP
Aircraft, LLC